Made of aluminum profiles, it is lightweight and sturdy, has a variety of holes (Ø 12 / Ø 16 / Ø 22 / Ø 25 / Ø 30) to suit the purpose of the push button box, and it is also customizable.

  • Product Name : Multi Switch Box
  • Hole Size : Ø12 / Ø16 / Ø22 / Ø25 / Ø30 /
  • The Number of Holes : 1 hole / 2 holes / 3 holes / 4 holes / 5 holes /
          6 holes
  • Product Type : M / MA / A / B / C / D / E


Product Feature
  • Made of aluminum profile, lightweight and sturdy.
  • There are 7 different types in total, and can be used for various purposes such as length, perforation, laser nameplate marking, etc. upon request from the customer.
  • Connection and installation are possible by opening the box easily with only two bolts.
  • Since the product has a basic hole, it can be easily used as a switch box without any separate process, and laser nameplate work is possible on the product itself.
View Catalog


Product specifications
  • Color : Body – Gray (Anodizing) / Side Plate – Orange
  • Tolerance : ±1mm
  • Thickness : 1.2t ~ 1.6t
  • Operating Temperature : -20℃ ~ 70℃
  • Materials : Aluminum Profile / Side plate [ABS]
Hole Model Size(mm) Videos
Type Width Height length
1 hole
  • SG-MS-1201
  • SG-MS-1601
M 50mm 50mm 70mm View Video
MA 50mm 70mm
  • SG-MS-2201
  • SG-MS-2501
  • SG-MS-3001
A 70mm 50mm 90mm
B 70mm 70mm
C 70mm 90mm
D 90mm 70mm
E 90mm 90mm
2 hole
  • SG-MS-1202
  • SG-MS-1602
M 50mm 50mm 105mm View Video
MA 50mm 70mm
  • SG-MS-2202
  • SG-MS-2502
  • SG-MS-3002
A 70mm 50mm 145mm
B 70mm 70mm
C 70mm 90mm
D 90mm 70mm
E 90mm 90mm
3 hole
  • SG-MS-1203
  • SG-MS-1603
M 50mm 50mm 140mm View Video
MA 50mm 70mm
  • SG-MS-2203
  • SG-MS-2503
  • SG-MS-3003
A 70mm 50mm 200mm
B 70mm 70mm
C 70mm 90mm
D 90mm 70mm
E 90mm 90mm
4 hole
  • SG-MS-1204
  • SG-MS-1604
M 50mm 50mm 175mm View Video
MA 50mm 70mm
  • SG-MS-2204
  • SG-MS-2504
  • SG-MS-3004
A 70mm 50mm 255mm
B 70mm 70mm
C 70mm 90mm
D 90mm 70mm
E 90mm 90mm
5 hole
  • SG-MS-1205
  • SG-MS-1605
M 50mm 50mm 210mm View Video
MA 50mm 70mm
  • SG-MS-2205
  • SG-MS-2505
  • SG-MS-3005
A 70mm 50mm 310mm
B 70mm 70mm
C 70mm 90mm
D 90mm 70mm
E 90mm 90mm
6 hole
  • SG-MS-1206
  • SG-MS-1606
M 50mm 50mm 245mm View Video
MA 50mm 70mm
  • SG-MS-2206
  • SG-MS-2506
  • SG-MS-3006
A 70mm 50mm 365mm
B 70mm 70mm
C 70mm 90mm
D 90mm 70mm
E 90mm 90mm




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